I've been writing lately, good old fashioned fantasy, like I used to write. Just kind of doing scenes as they occur to me, winging it, and figuring it will all hang together in the end.

Writer's group is on Tuesday, (7:00 at the Bookmark). I'm not sure I want to expose the story just yet -- not that the other writers are that hard on me, but my little story is still a delicate flower that must be nurtured.

There will come a point where the story will be unstoppable, but I'm not there yet.

If nothing else, this blog has gotten the words flowing again. Back when I was writing full-time, I used to write a lot of letters.

I hope that some of you will come to the group (Dave, Jason?). Like I said, it's pretty casual and low pressure. You don't have to read -- in fact, you may want to just come a listen the first time so you know what we're about. Some members never do read, or rarely, but are very helpful in their comments.

I'm selfish about this: I want the group to be active and vibrant so when I'm ready to start reading again, it's be there.

Est. 1980.
2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7:00 PM at the Bookmark, on the corner of 3rd and Greenwood.