
A few times lately, I've found myself thinking -- should I write that? Won't that upset...whoever....shouldn't I lay off? Do I want them to think badly of me?

And then I remember. I never cared what people thought of me. I've always gone it alone. That's the charm. I can say what I think. I don't care....

But of course I do.

See what I mean?

If I don't think anyone's paying attention, I can pretty much say any damn thing. I'm not that important. It doesn't matter what I say or think. It's only my opinion. I could be wrong, you know, that goes without saying.

But if I think that people are actually reading, I start to second guess myself.

So here's the thing. I shouldn't say anything I wouldn't say out loud to the person's face. And if I decide that I'm worried about offending someone and therefore won't write about something, I need to get get off my high horse and admit I'm compromised. It's perfectly O.K. I've mentioned before that I've never posted anonymously. Well, in the last two days I did. So there....

So which is it, boy? Balls out fearless posting, or....well, I'm being honest but I'm going to hold back?

I'll let you know.

So....I slept on it.

1.) I still don't think what I say is all that important, except to me.

2.) I still want to say what I think, and not worry about the consequences. (And the consequences aren't much.)

To start: I'd like to direct you to the Bend Economy Bulletin Board (googling should get you there.) Read the post titled "Bulletin's Real Estate reporter..."

Very interesting. But I have to label it as 'rumor', folks. It's sounds true, did Sally Heatherton. And I would point out, we're only getting one side of the story.

But I doubt this will be the end of it.

And since we're back on the subject of Bend Real Estate, I would once again point you toward the Housing Bubble Blog -- which gathers REAL news stories on the real estate market nationally. (My favorite bugaboo, along with Mug Shots from, pictures worth a million words. ) Especially the analogs of Bend, in Florida and California and Arizona.

I love the Bendbubble2 blog, (if I blogged anonymously, I hope I could be that outrageous and funny) but there's no denying it's opinion. What's amazing about the national Housing Bubble Blog is that it is real news stories. And if that doesn't give you religion....