Yow. I need to stay away from the sugars so late in the day. No more donuts after dinner. I dreamed last night that I was trespassing on estates down by the river and lecturing the owners about how Bend used to be, and all about my mother, Libby, the gardener, and her aesthetic sense.


Thing is, Old Bend wasn't all the great. It couldn't provide me with a job with living wages;I was lucky to create the one I have. I kind of like the anonymity of a larger city, and the arts -- even if I don't partake of them much myself.

And I want to avoid lecturing on this blog. But...well, that's kind of why I have it, right? So....come and listen or not, it's up to you. Hopefully, it will sound less like hectoring, and more like gentle prodding.

Meanwhile, I've finally found a show this season I really like: the new Terminator series, Sarah Conner Chronicles, was great. The second part of the beginning is tonight on Fox at 8:00. Be there or be square. Don't let another Firefly, Veronica Mars quality show get crucified by American frakken Idol!