Pegasus End of Year Review, #4 & 5.
These two categories fall under the heading of 'games.'
'Collectible' (oh, how I hate that word) games is the term I use for 4th register key, which refers to card games like Magic and Pokemon, and to miniature games like Heroclix and Star Wars.
It's now been a full year since Gambit Games closed, and I wondered for awhile if Magic would continue as a viable game in Bend without a place to play. It seems to have regained its legs and is doing fine. This category was up by 12% this year, mostly due to Magic, and to a smaller extent the World of Warcraft card game.
Miniatures are selling just well enough to keep them in stock, and Pokemon and Yugi Oh have slowed to a trickle.
So for me to have an increase in this category, is mostly due to the old stalwart, Magic the Gathering. I made a strong effort to keep the product in stock at all levels, more than I used to do when Gambit was around, so that helped.
The 5th key on my register is Games; role-playing books, boardgames, and/or mainstream games.
I'm still exploring this new category. Boardgames, especially, are new territory. I sold a lot of these games at Christmas, probably underestimated a bit. So I'm still trying to increase the width and depth of this category. I'm even thinking about bringing in a couple of examples of each mainstream game, cribbage, backgammon, chess, etc.
Our sales tripled in this category, which sounds dramatic except sales hardly existed before this year. But considering the base inventory, sales were very good. So this is one category of the store I intend to work on.
The two categories of the store that have the most sales 'off the street' are games and books. Since I'm in a busy downtown foot-traffic corridor, it makes sense to increase my presence in both areas.
Tomorrow; Books.
These two categories fall under the heading of 'games.'
'Collectible' (oh, how I hate that word) games is the term I use for 4th register key, which refers to card games like Magic and Pokemon, and to miniature games like Heroclix and Star Wars.
It's now been a full year since Gambit Games closed, and I wondered for awhile if Magic would continue as a viable game in Bend without a place to play. It seems to have regained its legs and is doing fine. This category was up by 12% this year, mostly due to Magic, and to a smaller extent the World of Warcraft card game.
Miniatures are selling just well enough to keep them in stock, and Pokemon and Yugi Oh have slowed to a trickle.
So for me to have an increase in this category, is mostly due to the old stalwart, Magic the Gathering. I made a strong effort to keep the product in stock at all levels, more than I used to do when Gambit was around, so that helped.
The 5th key on my register is Games; role-playing books, boardgames, and/or mainstream games.
I'm still exploring this new category. Boardgames, especially, are new territory. I sold a lot of these games at Christmas, probably underestimated a bit. So I'm still trying to increase the width and depth of this category. I'm even thinking about bringing in a couple of examples of each mainstream game, cribbage, backgammon, chess, etc.
Our sales tripled in this category, which sounds dramatic except sales hardly existed before this year. But considering the base inventory, sales were very good. So this is one category of the store I intend to work on.
The two categories of the store that have the most sales 'off the street' are games and books. Since I'm in a busy downtown foot-traffic corridor, it makes sense to increase my presence in both areas.
Tomorrow; Books.