I recently got a letter from a friend of mine from up north. Jimmy Claus.

Hi, Dunc,

Well despite the naysayers, I'm going ahead with my air conditioning business. No one would loan me money, so I'm using credit cards, but I'm sure I can pay them back really fast.

Would you believe there are no air conditioning businesses up here?

Here's a little bit from my press release.

"S. Claus and Mrs. Claus are behind their son, Jimmy Claus 100%, in his trying to drag the North Pole into the modern world.

"I know something about dreams,' S. Claus said. 'I told him not to let anyone talk him out of it.'

Coincidentally, I also got a letter from my friend Sammy Lucifer. He's decided to start a heating business, and said something eerily similar:

"There are no %&%**^^#
heating %#@***^ businesses in #$$@!^%%$ Hell!"

(Sorry, Sammy L. is a bit more foul mouthed than Jimmy C.)

I wished them both luck, especially Sammy Lucifer, who doesn't take kindly to criticism. And I know they both will still have homes to go to, if it all falls through. (Though with Global Warming and all, I'm more confident about Hell's chances.)