Tried watching It's a Wonderful Life on T.V. the other day, and in the left bottom corner there was a little red, white and blue promo for 'Clash of the Choirs' during THE WHOLE FRIGGEN MOVIE! Did they forget it was a black and white movie?

Saw the Golden Compass. Thought it was great. I thought the books were too heavy with philosophy for my taste, and the movie winnowed it down the essentials. Set design, specials effects and acting were great. Personally, I thought the plot and pace was perfect. I hope they make the next movie.

By the way, if you had never heard anything about controversy, religious or otherwise, you'd have never known it by watching the actual movie. Fighting polar bears and cute little animal companions and cool hot air balloons are what you'll remember.

Read the third League of Extraordinary Gentleman by my favorite all time comic writer, Alan Moore (he of Watchmen, V for Vendetta, From Hell, John Constantine fame). It wasn't an easy read. Both he and Frank Miller seem to delight in defying the expectations of the fan boys. Ended up admiring it more than enjoying it. I still think it's a tragedy they didn't film the actual first LOEG, because it would have been great (politically incorrect, but great.)

Meanwhile, you can just tell that they're filming the Watchmen the way I hoped. Filmed by the director of the 300. The way you could tell Peter Jackson was going to treat LOTR's with respect. It may still be a botch, but this may be the movie that really wakes the public up to the potential of the graphic novel form. But I'm not holding my breath.

It also sounds like they once again botched the I Am Legend story, for the third time. Sounds like typical, give the guy a romance happy ending Hollywood dumbing down. I absolutely loved the book. It had a positive message, too, but a much more subtle and deep one. I'll go see the Will Smith movie for its post-apocalyptic and vampire adventure, but not expect anything else from it.

Patrick tells me I've lost all credibility as a movie reviewer because I like everything.

Well, I hated Armegeddon, and the sequel to 101 Dalmations. So there.