Broken Top. A stalking horse, all the way.

I hope none of the residents of BT are poker players, because I think they're being bluffed, and not even a particularly good bluff. Let the SOB buy it, and try to develop it. Let the city and state shut down his plans, I wouldn't even hire a lawyer. Let him take it bankrupt, and then the good people of Broken Top can buy it for half the price. On second thought, hire a lawyer only make sure that he keeps it at "A" status, and let him stew.

Somebody tell me how he has even a 1% chance of succeeding at redeveloping, when he basically has just about everyone against him, including equally (as the Bulletin calls them this morning "Old Guard") powerful developers, the government agencies, the residents, and most of the public.? They bought it, let them lose it.