Transformers Generation.
I seem to have found the common denominator in my customers; they all love Transformers.
I feel nothing about Transformers, no hate, no love, no scratchiness, no warm fuzzies at all. If I thought about Transformers back in the day at all, it was to think it was a rather cynical ploy to sell toys.
However, the companies were very smart about advertising the comic on the show. Created a huge customer base. I've always wished that they would put a tag-line on Smallville, or any of the Marvel or DC movies mentioning comic shops.
G.I. Joe is the other common denominator, and another good selling comic back in the day. The first G.I. Joe came out at just the age that a teenage boy (ME) would say, "That's a doll. What do I want a doll for?" This is pre 'action figure' days. This was Vietnam war days.
I also rather dislike Micheal Bay movies. I can almost time the explosions at commercial break intervals. And the sappy sentimentality. (At the end of Armageddon I was just squirming at the pure awfulness of the dialogue, and I remember looking around at the crowd around me and seeing that they liked it. It was as if I was watching a crowd eat some disgusting substance, and licking their lips. Couldn't believe it.)
I know I'm in a minority about Armageddon. But, I'm telling ya, I actually did time the explosions, and they came in like clockwork every ten minutes or so.
Transformers may be a movie I actually go see to stay in touch with my customer base; and because it's getting good reviews. Then again, I'll probably just wait for the DVD.
Its kinda of like electronic gaming, where I'm equally clueless. I hate being 'pop-culture' clueless. But I decided long ago that I simply can't keep up with online games, so I'm not even going to try.
It isn't just age, I think. There are plenty of recent pop-culture phenomenon I love, including ostensibly kid stuff. Ratatouille is for ME dammit....though the kids should be allowed to see it too, I suppose.
I seem to have found the common denominator in my customers; they all love Transformers.
I feel nothing about Transformers, no hate, no love, no scratchiness, no warm fuzzies at all. If I thought about Transformers back in the day at all, it was to think it was a rather cynical ploy to sell toys.
However, the companies were very smart about advertising the comic on the show. Created a huge customer base. I've always wished that they would put a tag-line on Smallville, or any of the Marvel or DC movies mentioning comic shops.
G.I. Joe is the other common denominator, and another good selling comic back in the day. The first G.I. Joe came out at just the age that a teenage boy (ME) would say, "That's a doll. What do I want a doll for?" This is pre 'action figure' days. This was Vietnam war days.
I also rather dislike Micheal Bay movies. I can almost time the explosions at commercial break intervals. And the sappy sentimentality. (At the end of Armageddon I was just squirming at the pure awfulness of the dialogue, and I remember looking around at the crowd around me and seeing that they liked it. It was as if I was watching a crowd eat some disgusting substance, and licking their lips. Couldn't believe it.)
I know I'm in a minority about Armageddon. But, I'm telling ya, I actually did time the explosions, and they came in like clockwork every ten minutes or so.
Transformers may be a movie I actually go see to stay in touch with my customer base; and because it's getting good reviews. Then again, I'll probably just wait for the DVD.
Its kinda of like electronic gaming, where I'm equally clueless. I hate being 'pop-culture' clueless. But I decided long ago that I simply can't keep up with online games, so I'm not even going to try.
It isn't just age, I think. There are plenty of recent pop-culture phenomenon I love, including ostensibly kid stuff. Ratatouille is for ME dammit....though the kids should be allowed to see it too, I suppose.