I'm reading.....I'm reading....!

Normally, I'm not the type to wait in line for the opening of a movie, or the first to read a book. (This time I had an inside track and could be first in line...hee, hee, hee.) But I am the type whose brain insists on figuring out any surprises, given the slightest clue.

I read a review of the Sixth Sense that mentioned that the Bruce Willis character was shot by a patient in the first paragraph. And then four paragraphs down, the review said the Hayley Osment character saw "dead people" and in the last paragraph that there was a surprise....and my brain made the immediate connection.

So I'm staying away from news stories or reviews until I'm done with the book.

I stood over the DO NOT OPEN BEFORE JULY 21, DO NOT OPEN BEFORE JULY 21, DO NOT OPEN BEFORE JULY 21 with a pair of sharp scissors and threatened anyone who came in the door with death if they touched the box.

Pat figured that J.K. Rowling had joined the terrorists, and that all the boxes in all the bookstore of America would explode at midnight. A customer figured there was a signal inside that went directly to the F.B.I.

My take was that a golden glow would emerge that would melt my face.

It was felicitous to see the Harry Potter movie in the last week. The book is like visiting old, dear friends.

I'll say this about the format. They've really stretched the space between the words, the margins, the space between the sentences. I'm sure its the Harry Potter book with the most words, but the way they made the tome made damn sure it was the biggest...

I had a customer recently who was convinced the smaller thickness of the trade paperbacks meant they were "abridged." It never actually occurred to me; I believe legally you must label a book abridged. When I counted the sentences and words per page, sure enough they were condensed, but not abridged.

Interesting to me that someone, maybe alot of people, are walking around thinking because a book is smaller in physical size that it's somehow abridged.

Anyway, I'll be busy this weekend reading....