Forgot to mention that I finally saw the Spider-man 3 movie. Liked it quite a bit....

....but it meandered. It meandered in interesting ways, with very competent story telling. But I think in trying to tell three stories equally, it didn't develop a strong core storyline.


It led to some rather abrupt changes in character motivations, even though they laid the groundwork for those changes. For instance, when James Franco comes to Spider-mans aid at the end of the movie, it seemed arbitrary, even though they laid the groundwork for the change through the memory loss/friends again plot. Or at the end when the Sandman suddenly stops fighting, after wrecking half the city, even though they laid the groundwork through the sick daughter/I'm not a bad man device.

I suppose the core story was the Peter Parker/Mary Jane relationship, complicated by Gwen Stacy, and that was very well done. But it was a very quiet core for a very busy movie, that was weakened and compromised by slapstick. (Peter Parker gyrating down the street/ Bruce Campbell's faux French maitre de. ----don't get me wrong, I LOVE Bruce Campbell and would pay for a whole movie with him as that character -- but I thought it weakened the emotional core of the movie to constantly subvert it with humor.)

At the same time, I enjoyed the humor. Like I said, it meandered in interesting ways, but kept taking its focus off the story.

Anyway, it's a far better movie than most, if not quite as good as the second Spider-man movie.

Go see it.

Then read the original comics.....