Spring Fever.

Last two days have been really slow. Crickets chirping, newspaper wafting across the room, Sergio Leone movie music slow. Customers haven't been in the mood.

Who can blame them? Walking from the parking garage to my store, I wanted to turn around and go back home and garden. Beautiful day, the kind of day that I stayed in Bend for...not too hot, with a hint of perfume in the air.

Luckily, business was good until the last few days. It'll bring down our average; I'm always amazed by how one or two bad days can change that.

I used to try to figure out how weather affected my business. Rain, snow, heat, cold, etc. I couldn't figure out a pattern.

Finally, I realized it wasn't the weather itself, it was the shift in weather. So when we experience a shift from winter to spring, my hope is that it will stay like this for a few weeks -- that we won't have another blast of winter -- so that people get used to it.

Doing my monthly orders this weekend. Takes me roughly 10 hours these days; but works better if I do 5 hours over 2 days, otherwise my brain gets fried. Will leave me time to garden, and maybe see Hot Fuzz tomorrow.

Dang Dolphins. Just cost me a bunch of money. Cost every cardshop in America a bunch of money. What you want when you sell a rookie card is an offensive player in a glamour position -- quarterback, running back, or it need be, wide reciever. It helps if they have a memorable name. JaMarcus Russell; #1, QB. Good. Calvin Johnson, WR; O.K. Adrian Peterson, RB, GREAT! Brady Quinn, QB. Would've made him probably the second or third most sought after card; maybe even the first. Now...he toast. He's dropped out of the top 10, and he has the smell of disappointment.

Dang Dolphins.