Sometimes I envy the simplicity of my wife's store. We started with the mantra, "Keep it simple, stupid." And Linda has managed to stick to that. I know that by now I would have complicated the process no end.

For instance, I was concerned that people were using book credit towards books on tape, when it felt like we needed more tapes and less books. So I thought we should only allow tape trades for tape trades. She nixed that.

I thought we should buy some tapes and cd's online, to supplement our selection. Nope.

I thought it would be a brilliant idea to add used DVD's into the mix. Using the same formula.

I wanted to add literary toys, or notecards, or bookmarks, at least, since the store is called the Bookmark. Say what?

I wanted to open Sundays. Get outa really, get outa here.

I wanted to do a selection of new books. Forget about it.

And so on, probably dozens of suggestions over the last couple of years.

Thing is, she was right and I was wrong.

The focus is on used books, and nothing but used books. You walk in the door, and that's what it's about; nothing else. The trade terms were as simple as we could make them. The filing system is a simple as we could make them. The store layout is clean, and orderly, and bright, and spacious and comfortable. Minimal clutter.

If I was in charge, the ailes would have gotten a little thinner, the walls covered a bit more, and so on.

Yet sales grow at her store at a nice comfortable rate. She can focus on the customers and the books.

Good for her.