After three big days, Pegasus has had two awful days, so balance is restored to the Universe.....dammit.

I've said before that I'm not a natural businessman. I do think I might be a natural 'storekeeper', you know, the funny little guy in the Western with an accent and a funny mustache. But I'm not a natural wheeler-dealer. I'm in a business that, at times, is dominated by wheeling and dealing, but over the years I've gone the opposite direction, withdrawing from most situations that require it. I pretty much buy my material wholesale from established distributers; I rarely if ever buy off the street.

When I see all the shenanigans at Broken Top, or Pronghorn, or any other of these high finance deals, I'm glad that I have a simple little business of buy and sell. As much as possible, I take the guesswork out of pricing by going with SRP -- Suggested Retail Price. I buy as low as possible, but am willing to pay full wholesale for most items. In some ways, it is a simple, old fashioned model of business. Probably seems pretty naive to the rich businessmen on the hill buying and selling golf-courses, but that's O.K.

I'm the tortoise. I'll never get rich, but I keep plodding forward.